Monday, April 1, 2013

Assignment #2

 Popular science today in media brings out the different stereotypes that scientist aren't only geeky, for example one of my favorite show's are Dexter. Dexter is a very complex character, by day he's a blood splatter analyst but yet by night he's a serial killer and typically those two stereotypes are not usually mixed together. When in reality you would not be cheering on a serial killer and hoping for him to never get caught, it is amazing how being in someone's foot steps how you can accept who they are even if though what there doing is wrong. I think that media today is trying to appeal to how science is modern and the way they show that is by portraying characters like Dexter and these CSI show's and True Blood and all the supernatural shows that are coming out. I believe that popular science inspire us and also threaten us. Science inspires us because of all the new technology that comes out everyday and pushes us people for the next best thing. Since us humans are highly curious creatures we want to know how things work and we always need a reason why. Science can also be threatening to us because we all fear the unexpected.         

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